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PUBLIC MARKS from "Gérard Delisle" with tag "photography Russia"

26 November 2006 09:00

-- Белорусский фотографический альманах "" --

белорусский фотографический альманах - English/Belarusian/Russian

26 November 2006 08:45

Галерея Елены Врублевской - Elena Vrublevskaya Gallery (Russia)

The gallery is involved in the projects, devoted to traditional cultures of North, Far East, Siberia and is open for various suggestions on realization of actions and for information interchange concerning Siberian shamanism.

26 November 2006 08:30

16 November 2006 23:45

MHF - European Month of Photograhy (Moscow, Russia)

An independent centre for photography, founded by Olga Sviblova that has been given a status of the Moscow state museum. MHF organises months of photography yearly in spring and the Photobiennial once in two years, the next one will take place in spring 2000. MHFеs activities include forming museum collection of the Russian photography, participating in international festivals around the world and publishing books on photography.

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